ASEANAPOL Secretariat’s Participation in the 2024 International Symposium on Cybercrime Response (ISCR 2024)

by muhammad anas | Aug 29, 2024

On August 27, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea, the ASEANAPOL Secretariat, led by Executive Director David Martinez Vinluan, had the honour of participating in the distinguished 2024 International Symposium on Cybercrime Response (ISCR 2024). Accompanying Executive Director Vinluan were Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Dr. Bakri Zainal Abidin, Director for Police Services, and Police Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Huu Ngoc, Director for Plans and Programmes.
The symposium, hosted by the Korean National Police Agency (KNPA), is recognized as a leading global platform for tackling the rapidly growing challenges of cybercrime. Held from August 27 to 29, this year’s ISCR gathered an extensive array of international law enforcement agencies—including representatives from ASEANAPOL Member Countries—alongside cybersecurity experts and academic professionals, all focused on advancing global cybersecurity governance. The opening ceremony was notably attended by South Korean President H.E. Yoon Seok-yeol, who emphasized South Korea’s unwavering commitment to international cooperation in combating cybercrime, particularly in the face of increasing global cyber threats.
In recent years, the global threat landscape has evolved significantly, with cybercrime emerging as one of the most critical security challenges of our time. The rapid digitization of societies, coupled with the growing sophistication of cybercriminals, has led to a surge in cyber-attacks targeting both individuals and critical infrastructure. These developments highlight the urgent need for a unified, collective approach among nations to effectively counter the widespread threat of cybercrime.
During the Welcome Reception hosted by KNPA’s Commissioner General CHO Ji Ho, the ASEANAPOL Secretariat engaged in meaningful discussions that underscored the importance of international collaboration in combating cybercrime. Executive Director Vinluan stressed the necessity for ASEAN member countries to forge stronger partnerships with global allies, such as South Korea, to develop robust cyber defenses, share vital intelligence, and coordinate responses to cyber threats that cross national borders. He reaffirmed ASEANAPOL’s dedication to strengthening partnerships and enhancing cooperative mechanisms to protect the digital landscape across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
The dialogue between the ASEANAPOL Secretariat and the KNPA was both constructive and forward-thinking, exploring potential opportunities for closer collaboration. Both parties reaffirmed their shared belief that strengthening partnerships among law enforcement agencies and international organizations is essential for effectively addressing the complex challenges posed by modern transnational crime, including the ever-evolving threat of cybercrime.
The meeting concluded on a positive and hopeful note, with both sides expressing confidence in future joint endeavors. They reaffirmed their mutual commitment to enhancing regional and global security and stability, recognizing that a collective approach is crucial in combating the increasingly sophisticated threat of cybercrime.

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